Become part of the restoration of the Atlantic Forest in the Doce River Basin. More than 2.5 million trees have been planted, but that's only the beginning.
Be #refloresta!
It’s a fundraising program created for small and medium-sized businesses.
The funds are used for the sustainability of Instituto Terra and for actions in the #refloresta Program (planting of trees).
Small and medium-sized companies with a good reputation, aligned with the Code of Ethics, Integrity Program, and the mission of Instituto Terra.
Adherence to the program automatically generates a certification known as “Allied Business to Instituto Terra” by way of a seal that is digitally emitted and sent by Instituto Terra and that can be used in your business’s institutional communication, as long as the rules in the user guide are followed.
With donation levels ranging from a minimum of R$ 1,050.00 (30 trees) and a maximum of R$ 99,995.00 (2,857 trees). Donations higher than the maximum amount fall under the category of sponsorship or specific projects that would be negotiated on a case by case basis.
Be an Allied Business to Instituto Terra
Decided that your business and Instituto Terra share a vision? Click on the “I want to be an Allied Business!” button and follow the steps to become a contributor.
Choose an amount of trees between 30 and 2,857, depending on the availability of shown, and click on continue after agreeing with our terms and conditions. Each tree is valued at R$ 35.
As soon as the payment is confirmed you’ll receive the official program Seal, the user guide for the seal, and a packet of images in the email that was entered while registering. It’s now time to tell the world about the decision your business has made.
“We must rethink our relationship with the plant if we want to survive as a species. We need the contribution of each individual person, but also from each business, so that we can rebuild the devastated parts of the planet. We still have time, but we must act immediately!”
Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado and Sebastião Salgado
6,7 million seedlings produced by Instituto Terra.
2,131 thousand hectares have been reforested to date.
2,046 thousand natural springs in recuperation.
+82 thousand people have been served by environmental education projects.
Ambassador to the Allied Business Program at Instituto Terra and CEO of Vivian Coser Arquitetos Associados“Sustainability is one of the main pillars of our projects and because of this we joined forces with Instituto Terra to put into action carbon offset and environmental care. Seeing as with each new architectural program seven trees are planted. This means that we believe in the legacy of Architecture that is sustainable and biophilic.”
Vivian Coser
Ambassador to the Allied Business Program at Instituto Terra
CEO of Vivian Coser Arquitetos Associados
“The Allied Business Program is made to order for small and medium-sized businesses that are searching for a simple and effective way to, at the same time, contribute to the restoration of our Atlantic Forest and to promote this initiative to their stakeholders thereby encouraging corporate responsibility and sustainable consumption.”
Juliano Salgado
President of Instituto Terra
RPPN Fazenda Bulcão
Caixa Postal 005
CEP: 35200-000
Aimorés / MG / Brasil
Phone.: +55 33 3267 2025
Phone.: +55 33 3267 2302
Cell: +55 33 99978 2025